Risk of Ruin Calculator

Risk of Ruin - Calculation Approach according to Brent Penfold and Nauzer J. Balsara

Brent Penfold, is a well known Australian based futures trader who runs a trading company (Brent Penfold Futures Pty Ltd) as well as the website indextrader.com.au. He has developed a method that enjoys great popularity. Nauzer J. Balsara relies on the same system. He described in his 1992 book "Money Management Strategies for Futures Traders" (Google Books) the calculation approach that is still used in the trading community today. Over the years, Prof. Nauzer J. Balsara has developed over 100 indicators and dynamic trading systems and indicators based on his findings and experience, which he believes are a significant improvement over commonly used indicators in terms of profitability and consistency. Tip: It is worth taking a look at his Linkedin profile.


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