The newsboard processes news from the NASDAQ Nordic portfolio company GlobeNewswire, which provides investors with company-relevant information. This relates in particular to events that may be relevant to the listing of companies or tradable financial instruments.
GlobNewswire (formerly PrimeNewswire) specializes in public relations solutions and digital media services. This feed adds another important source of information for investors to the popular X-Billboard portfolio.
Á aðalfundi Sýnar hf. þann 11. apríl 2024 var samþykkt tillaga stjórnar félagsins um að lækka hlutfé félagsins. Fundurinn samþykkti að hlutafé félagsins verði lækkað um kr. 33.527.940 að nafnvirði, einvörðungu til lækkunar eigin hluta á grundvelli ákvæða laga um hlutafélög, nr. 2/2995. Hlutafé félagins lækkar þar með úr kr. 2.510.017.540 að nafnvirði í kr. 2.476.489.600 að nafnvirði. Þar sem hver hlutur er að fjárhæð kr. 10,- að nafnverði eða margfeldi þeirrar fjárhæðar, verða útgefnir hlutir í Sýn hf. samtals 247.648.960 eftir lækkunina. Lækkunin nemur öllu hlutafé sem félagið hafði keypt á grundvelli heimildar sem samþykkt var á aðalfundi Sýnar hf. þann 17. mars 2023 til að kaupa eigin hluti.
The information provided here is not subject to any editorial processing. It is prepared fully automatically and enriched with additional information and further research options. The aim of the content is to provide information seekers with the relevant information quickly and easily. A link back to the information provider and owner ensures that the data prepared here can be compared with the source information if required. The newsboard does not show information in real time. Please contact the exchange operator for this information if required. There is no claim to completeness. High availability cannot be guaranteed. If you notice any errors in the functionality, please let us know using the "Report a Bug" form below.
RAW DATA PROCESSING means that raw data is processed without changing the content. The data is supplemented to improve the interpretation of the information in terms of usability.
Note: The newswire cross-link panel at the top allows you to quickly and easily access additional sources of information. In the terminal view, the news is filtered at company level and enables targeted searches.
On behalf of the trading community, we would like to thank the operators of the trading venues for providing information services.