X-Feed Billboard (International)

The newsboard processes news from the NASDAQ Nordic portfolio company GlobeNewswire, which provides investors with company-relevant information. This relates in particular to events that may be relevant to the listing of companies or tradable financial instruments.

GlobNewswire (formerly PrimeNewswire) specializes in public relations solutions and digital media services. This feed adds another important source of information for investors to the popular X-Billboard portfolio.

System-State: Number of processed items 46.920 Notifications successully processed since Inception
GlobeNewsWire ist eine wichtige Nachrichtenquelle, die über das X-Billboard abgerufen werden kann. Sie ist Teil des Newswire-Hub, der für Börsianer wichtige internationalen Nachrichtenquellen an einem zentralen Ort bündelt. Wer sich schnell einen Überblick verschaffen will, kann sich bequem durch die Headlines scrollen. Wer sich detailliert mit den Nachrichten auseinandersetzen möchte, kann über die Detailansichten der Info-Cards direkt auf die jeweilige Nachricht und weitere Analysewerkzeuge zugreifen.
State: 18.01.2025 | 10AM
Wed, 01.05.2024       Blue Biofuels

PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL, May 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blue Biofuels, Inc. (OTCQB: BIOF).

Wed, 01.05.2024       Volta Finance

Volta Finance Limited (VTA/VTAS)

Wed, 01.05.2024       SEALSQ Corp.

Meyreuil, France, May 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SEALSQ Corp (Nasdaq: LAES) (“SEALSQ” or “Company”), a leader in semiconductor, PKI, and Post-Quantum technology development, is pleased to announce the rebranding of its semiconductor manufacturing business from WISeKey Semiconductors S.A.S to SEALSQ France S.A.S (“SEALSQ France”). This strategic change is aimed at accelerating the development of state-of-the-art post-quantum semiconductor technologies in Meyreuil, located in the Aix-en-Provence, a prominent hub for semiconductor innovation in the South of France.

Wed, 01.05.2024

Seasoned Executive Brings Decades of Expertise and Industry Partnerships to Optimize Supply Chain Operations

Wed, 01.05.2024       Reitir Fasteignafélag

Á aðalfundi Reita þann 6. mars 2024 var stjórn félagsins veitt heimild til þess að kaupa allt að 10% af eigin bréfum fyrir félagsins hönd í því skyni að koma á viðskiptavakt og/eða til að setja upp formlega endurkaupaáætlun.

Stjórn Reita hefur á grundvelli framangreindrar heimildar tekið ákvörðun um framkvæmd nýrrar endurkaupaáætlunar um kaup á eigin bréfum og er markmið áætlunarinnar að lækka útgefið hlutafé félagsins. Útgefið hlutafé Reita er 711.550.000 hlutir og eru 5.550.000 hlutir í eigu félagsins við upphaf endurkaupaáætlunarinnar.

Áætlað er að kaupa allt að 5.000.000 hluti sem jafngildir 0,70% af útgefnu hlutafé, þó þannig að fjárhæð endurkaupanna verði aldrei meiri en samtals 425 milljónir kr. Framkvæmd áætlunarinnar hefst fimmtudaginn 2. maí næstkomandi og mun áætlunin vera í gildi þar til öðru hvoru framangreindra viðmiða um magn eða fjárhæð er náð, en þó aldrei lengur en til 31. janúar 2025.

Verð fyrir hvern hlut skal að hámarki vera hæsta verð í síðustu óháðu viðskiptum eða hæsta fyrirliggjandi óháða kauptilboð í viðskiptakerfi Nasdaq á Íslandi, hvort sem er hærra. Hámarksmagn hvers viðskiptadags er 338.691 hlutir sem er 25% af meðalveltu aprílmánaðar.

Arion banki hf. mun framkvæma endurkaupaáætlunina fyrir hönd félagsins. Viðskipti með eigin hluti í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlunina verða tilkynnt eigi síðar en við lok sjöunda viðskiptadags eftir að viðskiptin fara fram.

Upplýsingar veitir Einar Þorsteinsson, fjármálastjóri, í síma 669 4416 eða með tölvupósti á einar@reitir.is.

Wed, 01.05.2024

Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation, article 19, Svitzer Group A/S, CVR-no. 44 79 14 47, (“Svitzer Group” or the “Company”) hereby notifies receipt of information of the following transactions made by members of the Board of Directors or Executive Management in Svitzer Group or their closely associated persons in Svitzer Group’s shares admitted to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S.

Wed, 01.05.2024       Sirios Resources Inc.

MONTREAL, May 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SIRIOS RESOURCES INC. (TSX-V: SOI) (the "Corporation") announces that it has closed, effective April 30, 2024, a non-brokered private placement for a gross proceeds of $1,310,755 (the "Offering"). The Offering consisted of the issuance of 21,845,915 units of the Corporation (the "Units") at a price of $0.06 per Unit. Each Unit consists of one common share of the capital of the Corporation (a "Common Share") and one Common Share purchase warrant (a "Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the holder thereof to purchase one Common Share at an exercise price of $0.12 per Common Share for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of issuance. The net proceeds from the sale of the Units will be mainly used by the Corporation to advance its Cheechoo gold project, as well as for general and corporate working capital purposes.

Wed, 01.05.2024

SCHMID Group and Pegasus Digital Mobility Acquisition Corp. announce the completion of their business combination. SHMD begins trading on the Nasdaq.
Wed, 01.05.2024       Rathbones Group

Wed, 01.05.2024       Heimar

Reginn mun birta samþykkt uppgjör fyrir tímabilið 1.1.- 31.3.2024, eftir lokun markaða miðvikudaginn 8. maí 2024.

Wed, 01.05.2024       Rathbones Group

Wed, 01.05.2024       Rathbones Group

Wed, 01.05.2024       Rathbones Group

Wed, 01.05.2024       Rathbones Group

Wed, 01.05.2024       Rathbones Group

Wed, 01.05.2024

This expansion of the Versaterm ecosystem helps first responders manage mental health and wellness with Mindbase’s self-service content and peer support.
Wed, 01.05.2024       Cassava Sciences

AUSTIN, Texas, May 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cassava Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: SAVA) (“Cassava Sciences” or the "Company") has been advised by NASDAQ that end-of-day (“EOD”) tomorrow May 2, 2024, will be the last and final trading day for SAVAW warrants on NASDAQ. After EOD May 2, the Company expects NASDAQ to no longer accept or execute any trade for SAVAW warrants.

Wed, 01.05.2024       Westwood Group

Westwood Announces Launch of Westwood Salient Enhanced Energy Income ETF (WEEI)
Wed, 01.05.2024       Hawkins

ROSEVILLE, Minn., May 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hawkins, Inc. (Nasdaq: HWKN) announced today that it expects to release its financial results for its fourth quarter and fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 after the market closes on May 15, 2024 at approximately 4:10 p.m. Eastern Time. 

Wed, 01.05.2024       PubMatic

New partnership will allow PubMatic’s advertisers to drive high ROI campaigns by reaching Klarna’s audiences at the point of purchase
New partnership will allow PubMatic’s advertisers to drive high ROI campaigns by reaching Klarna’s audiences at the point of purchase

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