X-Feed Billboard

The Newsboard is based on a service of the stock exchange operator Deutsche Börse AG, which provides investors with company-relevant information. In particular, it deals with events that may be relevant to the listing of companies or tradable financial instruments.

The publications relate to new admissions to trading on the stock exchanges, trading interruptions, delistings, price suspensions or delistings. Shares, bonds, certificates and warrants are recorded. The X-Billboard portfolio is supplemented by a further service. You can find it here.

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The X-Feed shows important news about listed companies in the style of a short news service. This is not editorial content. The focus is on information about the tradability status of a listed financial instrument. The news is kept compact and reduced to the essentials. You are welcome to use the search function or the available filters to carry out further research quickly and conveniently.
State: 22.12.2024 | 10AM
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000DK012P7 DEKA MTN SERIE 7843 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000DK012P7 DEKA MTN SERIE 7843 BOND has its first trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument US02665WFK27 AM.HONDA FI. 24/27 MTN BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument US02665WFK27 AM.HONDA FI. 24/27 MTN BOND has its first trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB1DZT2 LBBW BAYN BONS SZ 17/24 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000LB1DZT2 LBBW BAYN BONS SZ 17/24 BOND has its last trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Silent Ad
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000HLB5733 LB.HESS.THR.CARRARA07B/24 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000HLB5733 LB.HESS.THR.CARRARA07B/24 BOND has its first trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument AWDT IE000SU7USQ3 AXIM-M.W.E.PAB DLA ETF hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_ETP, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y The instrument AWDT IE000SU7USQ3 AXIM-M.W.E.PAB DLA ETF has its first trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_ETP, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB1DY55 LBBW REP BONS SZ 17/24 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000LB1DY55 LBBW REP BONS SZ 17/24 BOND has its last trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000HLB5725 LB.HESS.THR.CARRARA07A/24 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000HLB5725 LB.HESS.THR.CARRARA07A/24 BOND has its first trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument USAH IE000NA8E2W0 LG ESG DL CB E. HDG ACEOA ETF hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_ETP, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y The instrument USAH IE000NA8E2W0 LG ESG DL CB E. HDG ACEOA ETF has its first trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_ETP, SettlCurr EUR, CCP Y
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB1DY48 LBBW DTE BONS SZ 17/24 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000LB1DY48 LBBW DTE BONS SZ 17/24 BOND has its last trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024       JPM Global Equity Premium Income

Das Instrument JGPI IE0003UVYC20 JPM GL EQ PREM INC D ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument JGPI IE0003UVYC20 JPM GL EQ PREM INC D ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
JPM Global Equity Premium Income
Silent Ad
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000HLB5766 LB.HESS.THR.CARRARA07E/24 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000HLB5766 LB.HESS.THR.CARRARA07E/24 BOND has its first trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB1DZV8 LBBW ASG BONS SZ 17/24 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000LB1DZV8 LBBW ASG BONS SZ 17/24 BOND has its last trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000HLB5741 LB.HESS.THR.CARRARA07C/24 BOND hat seinen ersten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000HLB5741 LB.HESS.THR.CARRARA07C/24 BOND has its first trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB1DZS4 LBBW LHA BONS SZ 17/24 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000LB1DZS4 LBBW LHA BONS SZ 17/24 BOND has its last trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB1DWW3 LBBW DAI BONS SZ 17/24 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000LB1DWW3 LBBW DAI BONS SZ 17/24 BOND has its last trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024

Das Instrument DE000LB1DWV5 LBBW BMW BONS SZ 17/24 BOND hat seinen letzten Handelstag am 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N The instrument DE000LB1DWV5 LBBW BMW BONS SZ 17/24 BOND has its last trading date on 10.07.2024: CONTINUOUS AUCTION SPECIALIST, PAG PAG_BON, SettlCurr EUR, CCP N
Tue, 09.07.2024       Deka Euro Corporates 0-3 Liquid

Das Instrument ELFF DE000ETFL532 DEKA EO CORP.0-3 LIQ.U.E. ETF wird ex Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 The instrument ELFF DE000ETFL532 DEKA EO CORP.0-3 LIQ.U.E. ETF has its ex-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024
Deka Euro Corporates 0-3 Liquid
Tue, 09.07.2024       Vanguard USD Emerging Markets GB

Das Instrument VGEM IE00BZ163L38 VANG.USD EM G.BD UETF DLD ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument VGEM IE00BZ163L38 VANG.USD EM G.BD UETF DLD ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
Vanguard USD Emerging Markets GB
Tue, 09.07.2024       Vanguard USD Corporate Bond

Das Instrument VUCP IE00BZ163K21 VANG.USD CORP.B.U.ETF DLD ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument VUCP IE00BZ163K21 VANG.USD CORP.B.U.ETF DLD ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
Vanguard USD Corporate Bond
Tue, 09.07.2024       Vanguard EUR Eurozone Government Bond

Das Instrument VGEB IE00BZ163H91 VAN.EUR EURO.G.B.UETF EOD ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument VGEB IE00BZ163H91 VAN.EUR EURO.G.B.UETF EOD ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
Vanguard EUR Eurozone Government Bond
Silent Ad
Tue, 09.07.2024       Vanguardorporate Bond

Das Instrument VECP IE00BZ163G84 VANG.EUR COR.BD U.ETF EOD ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument VECP IE00BZ163G84 VANG.EUR COR.BD U.ETF EOD ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
Tue, 09.07.2024       Vanguard U.K. Gilt

Das Instrument VGOV IE00B42WWV65 VANG.U.K. GILT U.ETF LSD ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument VGOV IE00B42WWV65 VANG.U.K. GILT U.ETF LSD ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
Tue, 09.07.2024       L&G China CNY Bond

Das Instrument DRGN IE00BLRPQL76 LG E.C.CNY B.E. DLD ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument DRGN IE00BLRPQL76 LG E.C.CNY B.E. DLD ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
Tue, 09.07.2024       JPM USD Emerging Markets Sovereign Bond

Das Instrument JPBM IE00BDFC6G93 JPM-EM SOV BOND D ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument JPBM IE00BDFC6G93 JPM-EM SOV BOND D ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
JPM USD Emerging Markets Sovereign Bond
Tue, 09.07.2024       Vanguard USD Corporate 1-3 Year Bond

Das Instrument VUSC IE00BDD48R20 VANG.USD CORP.1-3 YR BDD ETF wird cum Dividende/Zinsen gehandelt am 10.07.2024 und ex Dividende/Zinsen am 11.07.2024 The instrument VUSC IE00BDD48R20 VANG.USD CORP.1-3 YR BDD ETF has its pre-dividend/interest day on 10.07.2024 and its ex-dividend/interest day on 11.07.2024
Vanguard USD Corporate 1-3 Year Bond

The information provided here is not subject to any editorial processing. It is prepared fully automatically and enriched with additional information and further research options. The aim of the content is to provide information seekers with the relevant information quickly and easily. A link back to the information provider and owner ensures that the data prepared here can be compared with the source information if required. The newsboard does not show information in real time. Please contact the exchange operator for this information if required. There is no claim to completeness. High availability cannot be guaranteed. If you notice any errors in the functionality, please let us know using the "Report a Bug" form below.

RAW DATA PROCESSING means that raw data is processed without changing the content. The data is supplemented to improve the interpretation of the information in terms of usability.

Note: The newswire cross-link panel at the top allows you to quickly and easily access additional sources of information. In the terminal view, the news is filtered at company level and enables targeted searches.

On behalf of the trading community, we would like to thank the operators of the trading venues for providing information services.