Österreichische Post AG · ISIN: AT0000APOST4 · EQS - Company News

First-quarter revenue and earnings above the prior-year level

AUSTRIAN POST Q1 2024: First-quarter revenue and earnings above the prior-year level   Revenue growth in all divisions     Revenue up by 14.1 % to EUR 758.6m     Mail +2.3 % to EUR 315.6m     Parcel & Logistics +23.2 % to EUR 402.9m (+16.9 % excl. Parcel Türkiye)     Retail & Bank +26.0 % to EUR 47.2m Earnings higher YOY     EBITDA +8.7 % to EUR 103.4m     EBIT +11.4 % to EUR 52.4m     Earnings per share +28.2 % to EUR 0.59 Cash flow and balance sheet Operating free cash flow...

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Corporate News Österreichische Post AG

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08 May 2024 07:30AM
First-quarter revenue and earnings above the prior-year level
AUSTRIAN POST Q1 2024: First-quarter revenue and earnings above the prior-year level   Revenue growth in all divisions     Revenue up by 14.1 % to EUR 758.6m     Mail +2.3 % to EUR 315.6m     Parcel & Logistics +23.2 % to EUR 402.9m (+16.9 % excl. Parcel Türkiye)     Retail & Bank +26.0 % to EUR 47.2m Earnings higher YOY     EBITDA...
Österreichische Post AG
13 March 2024 07:30AM
Increase in 2023 revenue and earnings driven by strong parcel growth and improvement in bank99
AUSTRIAN POST 2023 RESULTS: Increase in 2023 revenue and earnings driven by strong parcel growth and improvement in bank99   Revenue in 2023     Revenue +8.7 % to EUR 2,740.8m     Mail –2.3 % to EUR 1,190.4m     Parcel & Logistics +16.6 % to EUR 1,416.5m     Retail & Bank +37.6 % to EUR 168.6m Earnings in 2023     EBITDA +5.0 % to ...
Österreichische Post AG
18 December 2023 11:45AM
Supervisory Board appoints the new Chariman of the Management Board
Austrian Post: Supervisory board appoints new chairman of the managment boardWalter Oblin becomes ceo of austrian PosT At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of Austrian Post appointed Walter Oblin as Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of Austrian Post. The appointment takes effect on 1 October 2024. Walter Oblin has been with the compan...
Österreichische Post AG
14 November 2023 07:30AM
Revenue and earnings improvement vs. prior-year period
AUSTRIAN POST Q1–3 2023 RESULTS: Revenue and earnings improvement vs. prior-year period Revenue     Revenue +8.5 % to EUR 1,969.3m     Mail –2.3 % to EUR 866.7m     Parcel & Logistics +16.6 % to EUR 1,009.1m     Retail & Bank +39.3 % to EUR 118.6m Earnings     EBITDA +9.5 % to EUR 282.4m     EBIT +4.4 % to EUR 130.8m     Earnings ...
Österreichische Post AG
10 August 2023 07:30AM
Revenue and earnings increase in the first half of 2023
AUSTRIAN POST H1 2023 RESULTS: Revenue and earnings increase in the first half of 2023  H1 revenue growth in Parcel & Logistics and Retail & Bank     Revenue +6.0 % to EUR 1,284.8m     Mail –0.2 % to EUR 598.1m     Parcel & Logistics +9.9 % to EUR 628.4m     Retail & Bank +41.3 % to EUR 76.5m H1 Group earnings with strong impro...
Österreichische Post AG
12 May 2023 07:30AM
AUSTRIAN POST: First-quarter revenue and earnings above prior year
AUSTRIAN POST RESULTS FOR Q1 2023: First-quarter revenue and earnings above prior year   Revenue growth in all divisions     Revenue +10.5 % to EUR 664.7m     Mail +3.3 % to EUR 308.6m     Parcel & Logistics +15.5 % to EUR 327.1m (+4.6 % excluding Parcel Türkiye)     Retail & Bank +41.8 % to EUR 37.5m Higher year-on-year earnings    ...
Österreichische Post AG
12 May 2023 07:30AM
First-quarter revenue and earnings above prior year
AUSTRIAN POST RESULTS FOR Q1 2023: First-quarter revenue and earnings above prior year   Revenue growth in all divisions     Revenue +10.5 % to EUR 664.7m     Mail +3.3 % to EUR 308.6m     Parcel & Logistics +15.5 % to EUR 327.1m (+4.6 % excluding Parcel Türkiye)     Retail & Bank +41.8 % to EUR 37.5m Higher year-on-year earnings    ...
Österreichische Post AG
15 March 2023 07:30AM
AUSTRIAN POST IN 2022: Sound second half-year period (+4.2 %) could offset the first half-year decline (–4.0 %): revenue of EUR 2,522m  Revenue in 2022 Group revenue up by 0.1 % to EUR 2,522.0m Volatile development during the quarters: Q1–Q4: –7.1 %/–0.8 %/+5.7 %/+3.0 % Mail down by 0.5 % to EUR 1,218.0m (Q4: +0.1 %) Parcel & Logistics do...
Österreichische Post AG
15 March 2023 07:30AM
AUSTRIAN POST IN 2022: Sound second half-year period (+4.2 %) could offset the first half-year decline (–4.0 %): revenue of EUR 2,522m  Revenue in 2022 Group revenue up by 0.1 % to EUR 2,522.0m Volatile development during the quarters: Q1–Q4: –7.1 %/–0.8 %/+5.7 %/+3.0 % Mail down by 0.5 % to EUR 1,218.0m (Q4: +0.1 %) Parcel & Logistics do...
Österreichische Post AG
11 November 2022 07:30AM
Österreichische Post AG: AUSTRIAN POST IN Q1–3 2022: Good quarterly development in a challenging market environment
Business environment in Q1–3 2022 Inflation and factor cost increases present ongoing challenges Austrian parcel volumes again almost at last year’s strong lockdown-related volumes Improved letter mail trend due to special mailings Q1–3 2022 volumes Austrian letter mail volumes down by 4 % on an operational level, ±0 % including special effects...
Österreichische Post AG
11 November 2022 07:30AM
Good quarterly development in a challenging market environment
Business environment in Q1–3 2022 Inflation and factor cost increases present ongoing challenges Austrian parcel volumes again almost at last year’s strong lockdown-related volumes Improved letter mail trend due to special mailings Q1–3 2022 volumes Austrian letter mail volumes down by 4 % on an operational level, ±0 % including special effects...
Österreichische Post AG
11 August 2022 07:30AM
Austrian Post H1 2022: Q2 trend improvement against challenging market environment
AUSTRIAN POST IN H1 2022: Q2 trend improvement against challenging market environment   Business environment H1 2022 Difficult market environment due to inflation and energy supply uncertainty Marginal decline of parcel volumes behind last year’s strong lockdown-related volumes Improved second-quarter trend with respect to volume development,...
Österreichische Post AG
11 August 2022 07:30AM
Q2 trend improvement against challenging market environment
AUSTRIAN POST IN H1 2022: Q2 trend improvement against challenging market environment   Business environment H1 2022 Difficult market environment due to inflation and energy supply uncertainty Marginal decline of parcel volumes behind last year’s strong lockdown-related volumes Improved second-quarter trend with respect to volume development,...
Österreichische Post AG
13 May 2022 07:30AM
AUSTRIAN POST IN Q1 2022: Q1 2022 revenue and earnings below prior year as expected
AUSTRIAN POST IN Q1 2022: Q1 2022 revenue and earnings below prior year as expected Parcel division in consolidation phase after lockdown momentum of previous years – trend shift expected in H2 2022 earnings in the range of the last two years forecastedRevenue Revenue decline of 7.1 % year-on-year to EUR 601.4m (–2.4 % excl. Parcel Turkey) Mail –...
Österreichische Post AG
28 April 2022 04:06PM
First-quarter decline from a higher prior-year comparable; 2022 earnings within the range of the last two years expected First quarter of 2022 lower YOY as expected: revenue of EUR 601.4m compared to EUR 647.0m in Q1 2021, EBIT of EUR 39.6m, down from EUR 59.8m in Q1 2021 Estimated revenue for 2022 remains largely stable at EUR 2.5bn Anticipate...
Österreichische Post AG
21 April 2022 01:42PM
Österreichische Post AG: Resolutions of the General Meeting
Publication of the resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting held on 21 April 2022 on the authorisation to acquire the Company's own shares (treasury shares) pursuant to Section 65 Para. 1 (4) and (8) as well as Para. 1a and 1b Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in connection with Section 119 Para. 9 Austrian Stock Exchange Act (BörseG) an...
Österreichische Post AG
11 March 2022 07:30AM
AUSTRIAN POST'S 2021 FINANCIAL YEAR: Improved 2021 revenue and earnings; parcel exceeds mail business Cautious outlook, difficult start into 2022   Parcel volume growth, Letter and Direct Mail decline - Parcel volumes in Austria +11 %, Turkey +5 %, CEE/SEE +16 % in 2021 - Letter mail volumes -4 %, direct mail items -1 % in 2021 2021 revenue inc...
Österreichische Post AG
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