PNE AG · ISIN: DE000A0JBPG2 · EQS - Company News

PNE Group sells wind farm in Sallachy, Scotland

Corporate News PNE Group sells wind farm in Sallachy, Scotland Cuxhaven, 10 October 2024 - The PNE Group continues to be successful internationally. In Scotland, the Group is now selling a wind farm with a nominal output of approx. 43 megawatts (MW) to Boralex, a Canadian renewable energy developer and producer. The focus is on wind and solar energy, hydropower and energy storage. The Sallachy wind farm is located in Sutherland, in the north of the Scottish Highlands. The project has reached ...

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Corporate News PNE AG

In this overview you can view company news in the chronological order of publication. The source information comes from EQS News, the leading European news distributor. The most recent news item is listed first.
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10 October 2024 02:17PM
PNE Group sells wind farm in Sallachy, Scotland
Corporate News PNE Group sells wind farm in Sallachy, Scotland Cuxhaven, 10 October 2024 - The PNE Group continues to be successful internationally. In Scotland, the Group is now selling a wind farm with a nominal output of approx. 43 megawatts (MW) to Boralex, a Canadian renewable energy developer and producer. The focus is on wind and solar ene...
25 September 2024 03:23PM
PNE strengthens its communicative presence through brand integration of WKN GmbH
Corporate News  PNE strengthens its communicative presence through brand integration of WKN GmbH WKN GmbH becomes PNE Erneuerbare Energien GmbH Strong brand for project development and power generation No impact on existing business relationships Cuxhaven / Husum, 25 September 2024 – PNE and WKN are two established brands that offer comprehensi...
20 September 2024 08:32AM
Heiko Wuttke appointed new CEO of PNE AG
Corporate News  Heiko Wuttke appointed new CEO of PNE AG Cuxhaven, 20 September 2024 – The new CEO of PNE AG has been determined. The Supervisory Board has selected Heiko Wuttke for this position. He will take office as member and chairman of the Board of Management on the 13 January 2025. The contract runs until 31 January 2028. „We are delight...
20 September 2024 08:32AM
Heiko Wuttke appointed new CEO of PNE AG
Corporate News  Heiko Wuttke appointed new CEO of PNE AG Cuxhaven, 20 September 2024 – The new CEO of PNE AG has been determined. The Supervisory Board has selected Heiko Wuttke for this position. He will take office as member and chairman of the Board of Management on the 13 January 2025. The contract runs until 31 January 2028. „We are delight...
18 September 2024 09:57AM
PNE AG successful with 24 MW in onshore wind energy tenders
Corporate News  PNE AG successful with 24 MW in onshore wind energy tenders Two new projects approved Successful tender results of the PNE Group already total 141.9 MW this year Cuxhaven, 18 September 2024 – The PNE Group was again very successful in the tender round for onshore wind farms organised by the Federal Network Agency in August. Both ...
18 September 2024 09:57AM
PNE AG successful with 24 MW in onshore wind energy tenders
Corporate News  PNE AG successful with 24 MW in onshore wind energy tenders Two new projects approved Successful tender results of the PNE Group already total 141.9 MW this year Cuxhaven, 18 September 2024 – The PNE Group was again very successful in the tender round for onshore wind farms organised by the Federal Network Agency in August. Both ...
26 August 2024 08:04AM
“From our point of view, the decline in PNE AG's share price is driven by speculation”
Corporate News  “From our point of view, the decline in PNE AG's share price is driven by speculation”  Cuxhaven, 26 August 2024 – In the last few trading days, the PNE share price has fallen significantly. From the company's point of view, these sharp price losses are incomprehensible and driven by speculation. Per Hornung Pedersen, CEO of PNE ...
14 August 2024 07:57AM
PNE AG confirms guidance for 2024
Corporate News Half-year results: PNE AG confirms guidance for 2024  Construction activities for own portfolio, less wind and anticipated lower electricity prices dampen results US business sold successfully Services segment still on track for success Cuxhaven,14 August 2024 – For PNE AG, the 2024 fiscal year is going well in operational terms....
18 July 2024 05:59PM
Changes to the Supervisory Board and Management Board of PNE Group
Changes to the Supervisory Board and Management Board of PNE Group   Reorganisation following the departure of CEO Markus Lesser, who will leave the company on 31 July 2024 Current Chairman of the Supervisory Board Per Hornung Pedersen becomes interim CEO and resigns from the Supervisory Board The search for a new CEO is in an advanced stage Rol...
18 July 2024 05:38PM
Changes in supervisory board and management board
Changes in supervisory board and management board The supervisory board of PNE AG has resolved today on a re-organization in connection with Markus Lesser leaving both as chairman and member of the management board on July 31, 2024. This entails the following changes: Per Pedersen, chairman of the supervisory board, will permanently leave the super...
18 July 2024 12:37PM
PNE Group put two further wind farms in operation in the second quarter of 2024 and expands own generation portfolio
PNE Group put two further wind farms in operation in the second quarter of 2024 and expands own generation portfolio A further seven wind power turbines with a nominal capacity of 42.6 MW connected to the grid PNE Group expands its own operations portfolio to around 412 MW Cuxhaven, 18 July 2024 – With the commissioning of two wind farms in Hesse,...
04 July 2024 01:11PM
PNE AG has been successful in onshore wind energy tenders for 91.5 MW
Corporate News  PNE AG has been successful in onshore wind energy tenders for 91.5 MW Four new projects approved Successful tender results of the PNE Group already add up to 117.9 MW this year  Cuxhaven, 4 July – In May, the PNE Group has once again scored successes in the tender round for onshore wind turbines of the Federal Network Agency. All...
20 June 2024 11:07AM
PNE launches PPA tender for industrial companies in Germany
Corporate News  PNE launches PPA tender for industrial companies in Germany Sale of 300 GWh of green electricity per year from nine PNE owned wind farms and solar power plants Cooperation with Berlin energy market consultant Enervis Determination of prices and terms in the tendering procedure Cuxhaven, 20 June 2024 – PNE starts a new chapter i...
20 June 2024 11:07AM
PNE launches PPA tender for industrial companies in Germany
Corporate News  PNE launches PPA tender for industrial companies in Germany Sale of 300 GWh of green electricity per year from nine PNE owned wind farms and solar power plants Cooperation with Berlin energy market consultant Enervis Determination of prices and terms in the tendering procedure Cuxhaven, 20 June 2024 – PNE starts a new chapter i...
06 June 2024 05:59PM
PNE AG successfully sells its US division to Lotus Infrastructure Partners
Corporate News  PNE AG successfully sells its US division to Lotus Infrastructure Partners US investor takes over company and project pipeline PNE to focus on growth as a power producer in Europe Cuxhaven, 06 June 2024 – PNE AG has sold its US business to US investor Lotus Infrastructure Partners – including PNE USA, Inc., based in Chicago, and ...
30 May 2024 02:01PM
General meeting of shareholders approves dividend
Corporate News  PNE AG: General meeting of shareholders approves dividend  Cuxhaven, 30 May 2024 – The general meeting of shareholders of PNE AG took place today (30 May 2024) as an event with personal attendance in Cuxhaven. The shareholders voted overwhelmingly in favour of the use of the balance sheet profits and hence the proposal of the Bo...
15 May 2024 10:07AM
PNE sells treasury shares and thus strengthens its financial base
Corporate News  PNE sells treasury shares and thus strengthens its financial base Cuxhaven, 15 May, 2024 – PNE AG has sold its portfolio of 266,803 treasury shares at an average selling price of euro 13.48 on the stock exchange. The sales proceeds of around euro 3.6 million will be used to further expand the company's own power generation portfol...
15 May 2024 10:07AM
PNE sells treasury shares and thus strengthens its financial base
Corporate News  PNE sells treasury shares and thus strengthens its financial base Cuxhaven, 15 May, 2024 – PNE AG has sold its portfolio of 266,803 treasury shares at an average selling price of euro 13.48 on the stock exchange. The sales proceeds of around euro 3.6 million will be used to further expand the company's own power generation portfol...
08 May 2024 07:56AM
PNE AG has good start to the new year
Corporate News  Result for the quarter: PNE AG has good start to the new year Good result in the first three months Number of projects in construction and construction preparation at a very high level Project pipeline with 19.8 gigawatts continues on record course Cuxhaven, 8 May, 2024 – PNE AG started the 2024 financial year well. The large nu...
10 April 2024 10:05AM
PNE sells 240 MW photovoltaic project to NOA Group in South Africa
Corporate News  PNE sells 240 MW photovoltaic project to NOA Group in South Africa  Project is being developed in a province characterised by strong mining and agriculture sectors PNE Pipeline comprises around 4 GW/GWp in South Africa Cuxhaven, 10 April 2024 – PNE AG is once again internationally successful. In South Africa, the company sold a p...
03 April 2024 09:52AM
As planned, Harald Wilbert will take over the position of CFO from Jörg Klowat
Corporate News  Change to the Board of Management of PNE AG: As planned, Harald Wilbert will take over the position of CFO from Jörg Klowat  Cuxhaven, 3 April 2024 – As planned, Harald Wilbert took over the function of CFO of PNE AG and the duties of Jörg Klowat as of 1 April 2024. The latter did not renew his management contract at his own requ...
27 March 2024 08:00AM
Targets achieved for fiscal year 2023 and growth course continues
Corporate News  PNE AG: Targets achieved for fiscal year 2023 and growth course continues  EBITDA in the upper guidance range Strategic goals of Scale up 1.0 achieved or significantly exceeded Pipeline of projects in development still with record growth Cuxhaven, March 27, 2024 – 2023 was a very successful year for PNE AG. As a result of succes...
15 March 2024 12:45PM
CEO Markus Lesser will be leaving PNE AG at the end of July
Corporate News  CEO Markus Lesser will be leaving PNE AG at the end of July  Cuxhaven, March 15 – Markus Lesser, CEO of PNE AG, today informed the Supervisory Board of his intention to resign from his postion as member and Chairman of the Board of Management of PNE AG with effect from the end of July 2024 for personal reasons. The Supervisory Boa...
15 March 2024 09:39AM
Chairman of the Management Board, Mr Markus Lesser, intends to resign by the end of July 2024
Chairman of the Management Board, Mr Markus Lesser, intends to resign by the end of July 2024 Hamburg, 15.03.2024 – The Chairman of the Management Board of PNE AG, Mr Markus Lesser, informed the Supervisory Board today of his intention to resign from his position as member and Chairman of the Management Board of PNE AG with effect from the end of ...
13 March 2024 10:06AM
PNE AG successful in onshore wind power tenders
Corporate News  PNE AG successful in onshore wind power tenders Three new wind farms with a combined capacity of 26.4 MW awarded contracts Cuxhaven, 13 March 2024 – The PNE Group was again very successful in the round of tenders for onshore wind farms organised by the Bundesnetzagentur in February. All three registered wind farms were awarded sub...
19 February 2024 10:07AM
PNE AG successfully brokers PPAs for more than 100 wind and PV project companies
Corporate News  PNE AG successfully brokers PPAs for more than 100 wind and PV project companies 107 projects reap the financial benefits of short and long-term power contracts Rising demand among industrial clients and large-scale power traders Cuxhaven, 19 February 2024 – The PNE Group achieved a major milestone last year: more than 100 wind ...
07 February 2024 11:54AM
PNE Group granted permits for the construction and operation of two wind farms in Schleswig-Holstein
Corporate News  PNE Group granted permits for the construction and operation of two wind farms in Schleswig-Holstein  Permits to install 28.8 MW of renewable energy Last year, permits for a total of 162 MW in accordance with BImSchG were granted in Germany Cuxhaven, 7 February 2024 – The PNE Group has received permits for the construction and op...
24 January 2024 10:38AM
PNE Group brings two wind farms on line in Schleswig-Holstein at the beginning of the year expanding its own portfolio
Corporate News PNE Group brings two wind farms on line in Schleswig-Holstein at the beginning of the year expanding its own portfolio Four wind turbines with a total rated output of 21.6 MW connected to the grid Total nominal output of wind farms operated by the PNE Group has now increased to around 370 MW Strategic interim target of 500 MW in ...
21 December 2023 12:07PM
PNE achieves international success with sale of photovoltaic projects in Romania and Italy
Corporate News  PNE achieves international success with sale of photovoltaic projects in Romania and Italy  PV project with a capacity of 61.5 MWp sold in southern Romania 12 PV projects with a total capacity of 114 MWp sold in Italy Cuxhaven, 21 December 2023 – PNE AG has achieved further operational successes in Romania and Italy at the end of...
28 November 2023 10:03AM
PNE finalises long-term supply contract
Corporate News  Green power for Gerresheimer: PNE finalises long-term supply contract  PPA for 35 GWh a year with long-term Clean power from Germany for sites across Germany PNE strengthens its ties with German industry with a third longer-term PPA in 2023 Cuxhaven, 28 November 2023 - PNE AG has finalised a long-term power supply contract with ...
13 November 2023 07:59AM
PNE AG generates satisfactory result and further expands the project pipeline
Corporate News  Result for the quarter: PNE AG generates satisfactory result and further expands the project pipeline Satisfactory result in light of the market environment The expansion of the own generation portfolio is progressing Project pipeline reaches another record level at 17.5 gigawatts Cuxhaven, 13 November 2023 - In a challenging ma...
12 September 2023 10:09AM
PNE AG continues to be successful in onshore wind power tenders
Corporate News  PNE AG continues to be successful in onshore wind power tenders  Two new wind farms with a combined capacity of 55.4 MW awarded contracts Expansion of own generation portfolio continues according to plan Cuxhaven, September 12 – The PNE Group was once again very successful in the round of tenders for onshore wind turbines issued ...
25 August 2023 01:11PM
PNE AG appoints Harald Wilbert as new CFO
Corporate News  PNE AG appoints Harald Wilbert as new CFO  New member of the Board of Directors as early as 15 October 2023 Start as new Chief Financial Officer on 1 April 2024 Cuxhaven, 25 August 2023 - Harald Wilbert is the new Chief Financial Officer of PNE AG. The Supervisory Board of PNE AG has announced that his contract will run till 31 M...
10 August 2023 08:01AM
PNE AG is on course for a successful year after six encouraging months
Corporate News  PNE AG is on course for a successful year after six encouraging months Project pipeline at record level of 16.6 gigawatts; continued expansion of our business High number of permits and tenders form basis for future success EBITDA above prior year in spite of lower electricity prices and lower wind supply Admission to the TecDA...
09 August 2023 11:09AM
Markus Lesser (CEO) reappointed to the Board of Management - CFO Jörg Klowat's term on the Board of Management to end on 31 March 2024
Corporate News PNE AG: Markus Lesser (CEO) reappointed to the Board of Management - CFO Jörg Klowat's term on the Board of Management to end on 31 March 2024  Continuity in the Board of Management guaranteed with Markus Lesser Successful strategy continues with Scaleup 2.0 Jörg Klowat not reappointed as CFO Position of CFO advertised for succe...
26 July 2023 01:13PM
PNE and S.E.T. Select Energy intend to jointly produce and market e-fuels from hydrogen in South Africa
 Corporate News  PNE and S.E.T. Select Energy intend to jointly produce and market e-fuels from hydrogen in South Africa 500,000 tons of e-fuels per year produced from wind and solar energy Memorandum of understanding to collaborate on economic feasibility Cuxhaven/Hamburg, July 26, 2023 – The PNE Group and S.E.T. Select Energy GmbH (SET) want t...
26 July 2023 01:13PM
PNE and S.E.T. Select Energy intend to jointly produce and market e-fuels from hydrogen in South Africa
 Corporate News  PNE and S.E.T. Select Energy intend to jointly produce and market e-fuels from hydrogen in South Africa 500,000 tons of e-fuels per year produced from wind and solar energy Memorandum of understanding to collaborate on economic feasibility Cuxhaven/Hamburg, July 26, 2023 – The PNE Group and S.E.T. Select Energy GmbH (SET) want t...
25 July 2023 09:49AM
PNE AG shares also listed on the TecDAX as of today
 Corporate News  PNE AG shares also listed on the TecDAX as of today Confirmation of the strategic development into a technology-driven company Attractiveness as an investment continues to increase Cuxhaven, July 25, 2023 – The PNE AG share has today been admitted to the TecDAX on an unscheduled basis. This means that PNE, as a Clean Energy Solu...
25 July 2023 09:49AM
PNE AG shares also listed on the TecDAX as of today
 Corporate News  PNE AG shares also listed on the TecDAX as of today Confirmation of the strategic development into a technology-driven company Attractiveness as an investment continues to increase Cuxhaven, July 25, 2023 – The PNE AG share has today been admitted to the TecDAX on an unscheduled basis. This means that PNE, as a Clean Energy Solu...
17 July 2023 09:06AM
PNE AG invests in AI-supported technology for value increase in operations
 Corporate News  PNE AG invests in AI-supported technology for value increase in operations Experienced Renewables operator invests in leading-edge technology for value add of assets PNE further expands the degree of innovation of its service portfolio as a Clean Energy Solutions Provider Cuxhaven, July 17, 2023 – PNE AG announces the acquisitio...
17 July 2023 09:06AM
PNE AG invests in AI-supported technology for value increase in operations
 Corporate News  PNE AG invests in AI-supported technology for value increase in operations Experienced Renewables operator invests in leading-edge technology for value add of assets PNE further expands the degree of innovation of its service portfolio as a Clean Energy Solutions Provider Cuxhaven, July 17, 2023 – PNE AG announces the acquisitio...
10 July 2023 02:27PM
PNE receives approvals for three further onshore wind farms
Corporate News  PNE receives approvals for three further onshore wind farms Permits allow for the addition of another 59.6 megawatts Permits for 127 MW already received this year Expansion of the own generation portfolio continues to gain momentum Cuxhaven, July 10, 2023 - PNE AG is making further progress with the expansion of its own generati...
10 July 2023 02:27PM
PNE receives approvals for three further onshore wind farms
Corporate News  PNE receives approvals for three further onshore wind farms Permits allow for the addition of another 59.6 megawatts Permits for 127 MW already received this year Expansion of the own generation portfolio continues to gain momentum Cuxhaven, July 10, 2023 - PNE AG is making further progress with the expansion of its own generati...
04 July 2023 08:04AM
PNE AG sells five solar photovoltaic projects in Romania to TotalEnergies
Corporate News PNE AG sells five solar photovoltaic projects in Romania to TotalEnergies  Solar photovoltaic projects with combined total of 208 MWp sold by PNE to TotalEnergies in Romania Deal underlines PNE’s expertise as a Clean Energy Solutions Provider Cuxhaven, July 4, 2023 – PNE has successfully agreed with TotalEnergies Renewables SAS on...
04 July 2023 08:04AM
PNE AG sells five solar photovoltaic projects in Romania to TotalEnergies
Corporate News PNE AG sells five solar photovoltaic projects in Romania to TotalEnergies  Solar photovoltaic projects with combined total of 208 MWp sold by PNE to TotalEnergies in Romania Deal underlines PNE’s expertise as a Clean Energy Solutions Provider Cuxhaven, July 4, 2023 – PNE has successfully agreed with TotalEnergies Renewables SAS on...
27 June 2023 01:41PM
PNE AG successful in onshore wind power tenders
Corporate News  PNE AG successful in onshore wind power tenders Two new wind farms with a combined capacity of 69 MW awarded contracts Expansion of own generation portfolio continues to progress Cuxhaven, June 27, 2023 - The PNE Group was once again very successful in the latest round of tenders for onshore wind turbines issued by the Bundesnet...
27 June 2023 01:41PM
PNE AG successful in onshore wind power tenders
Corporate News  PNE AG successful in onshore wind power tenders Two new wind farms with a combined capacity of 69 MW awarded contracts Expansion of own generation portfolio continues to progress Cuxhaven, June 27, 2023 - The PNE Group was once again very successful in the latest round of tenders for onshore wind turbines issued by the Bundesnet...
26 May 2023 10:05AM
Centrica Signs 5-Year Corporate PPA with Fraport AG in Germany for Renewable Power from Onshore Wind Farm developed by PNE AG
Corporate News Centrica Signs 5-Year Corporate PPA with Fraport AG in Germany for Renewable Power from Onshore Wind Farm developed by PNE AG AALBORG & FRANKFURT, 26 May 2023: Fraport AG, owner and operator of Frankfurt Airport, and Centrica Energy Trading, a leading European provider of energy management and optimisation services, have today a...
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Type Total Last Made by Go to
Corporate Research 28 16th August 2024 EQS Group AG Corporate Research
Directors Dealings 0 - - DD
Short Seller (DE) 8 3rd September 2024 Helikon Investments Limited SSR (DE)
Short Seller (UK) 0 - - SSR (UK)

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