OTRS AG · ISIN: DE000A0S9R37 · EQS - Company News

Agile and customer-centric corporate approach shows good results

OTRS AG publishes half-year report 2023: Agile and customer-centric corporate approach shows good results Double-digit revenue growth of 11.5% compared to the previous year in a difficult market environment Investments affect earnings development Further development of OTRS into a platform for management and automation of business processes planned Oberursel, 31 October 2023: OTRS AG (ISIN: DE000A0S9R37), the manufacturer and world's largest service provider for the service management suite O...

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Corporate News OTRS AG

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31 October 2023 08:35AM
Agile and customer-centric corporate approach shows good results
OTRS AG publishes half-year report 2023: Agile and customer-centric corporate approach shows good results Double-digit revenue growth of 11.5% compared to the previous year in a difficult market environment Investments affect earnings development Further development of OTRS into a platform for management and automation of business processes plan...
27 June 2023 04:43PM
OTRS AG appoints Benjamin Müller as Chief Technology Officer
OTRS AG appoints Benjamin Müller as Chief Technology OfficerOberursel, June 27, 2023: The Supervisory Board of OTRS AG (ISIN: DE000A0S9R37), the manufacturer and world's largest service provider for the service management suite OTRS, has appointed Mr. Benjamin Müller as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) effective July 01, 2023. In this role, Benjamin ...
27 June 2023 04:43PM
OTRS AG appoints Benjamin Müller as Chief Technology Officer
OTRS AG appoints Benjamin Müller as Chief Technology OfficerOberursel, June 27, 2023: The Supervisory Board of OTRS AG (ISIN: DE000A0S9R37), the manufacturer and world's largest service provider for the service management suite OTRS, has appointed Mr. Benjamin Müller as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) effective July 01, 2023. In this role, Benjamin ...
26 April 2023 08:00AM
OTRS AG closes year 2022 with revenue increase of 7.2% - Further growth and extensive investments planned in 2023
OTRS AG closes year 2022 with revenue increase of 7.2% - Further growth and extensive investments planned in 2023 Revenues increase by 7.2% to EUR 11,839 thousand in 2022 (previous year: EUR 11,043 thousand) Recurring revenues in the double-digit million euro range for the first time Distribution of a dividend of EUR 0.10 per share (previous yea...
26 April 2023 08:00AM
OTRS AG closes year 2022 with revenue increase of 7.2% - Further growth and extensive investments planned in 2023
OTRS AG closes year 2022 with revenue increase of 7.2% - Further growth and extensive investments planned in 2023 Revenues increase by 7.2% to EUR 11,839 thousand in 2022 (previous year: EUR 11,043 thousand) Recurring revenues in the double-digit million euro range for the first time Distribution of a dividend of EUR 0.10 per share (previous yea...
16 May 2022 07:30AM
OTRS AG reports revenue and earnings growth in 2021 - dividend increase to EUR 0.15 per share
OTRS AG reports revenue and earnings growth in 2021 - dividend increase to EUR 0.15 per share - Revenues increase by 13.8% to record level of EUR 11,043 thousand (previous year: EUR 9,708 thousand) - EBITDA rises to EUR 2,395 thousand (previous year: EUR 2,308 thousand) - Proposed dividend of EUR 0.15 per share (previous year: EUR 0.07) - Plan...
30 September 2021 09:39AM
OTRS AG publishes half-year report 2021: Double-digit growth rates in revenue and earnings
OTRS AG publishes half-year report 2021: Double-digit growth rates in revenue and earnings - EBITDA increases by 38% to EUR 1,451 thousand (H1 2020: EUR 1,053 thousand) - Clear focus on sustainable digitization trends secures success Oberursel, September 30, 2021: OTRS AG (ISIN: DE000A0S9R37) today published its half-year report 2021. OTRS AG, ...
30 June 2021 09:08AM
OTRS AG publishes 2020 annual report: Significant increase in profitability - Company pays dividend for the first time
OTRS AG publishes 2020 annual report: Significant increase in profitability - Company pays dividend for the first time - EBITDA increases by 43% to EUR 2,308 thousand (previous year: EUR 1,611 thousand) - First-time payment of a dividend of EUR 0.07 per share Oberursel, June 30, 2021: OTRS AG (ISIN: DE000A0S9R37) published its 2020 annual report t...
11 May 2021 09:29PM
OTRS AG publishes 2020 financial figures - first dividend payment planned
OTRS AG publishes 2020 financial figures - first dividend payment planned Oberursel, 11 May 2021: The Management Board of OTRS AG (ISIN DE000A0S9R37) has prepared the annual financial statements for the 2020 financial year. The Supervisory Board has just approved them; the annual financial statements for the 2020 financial year are thus adopted. Th...
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