ID | FX-Pair | ISIN | WKN | Bid | Ask | Chart | About (KI) | Factsheet | Internet | Bookmark | DEMO | Spec |
The information provided here refers to exchange rates that are related to each other as currency pairs and are subject to dynamic changes. You can use the information material in a variety of ways. You can carry out research, observe the development of exchange rates or - if this corresponds to your risk appetite or your investment or diversification strategy - participate in currency trading. The information offered is complemented by professional trading solutions presented by one of the most renowned and award-winning specialist providers in this sector. If you are interested in FX trading and the wide range of possibilities, just take a look at ActivTrades.
If price indications are shown, these are prices close to the market. If you use the price information, we would like to point out that it is not displayed in real time, but with a 15-minute delay.