
The trading of currencies knows no pause. Around the clock, 24 hours a day, exchange rates determine events on the world markets. The FX market is the most liquid area of the financial market and is primarily dominated by institutional investors. Currency trading takes place in a decentralized manner, in interbank trading. In recent years, technologies have been developed that allow different liquidity providers to be pooled together. Previous barriers to accessing the global FX markets are now almost non-existent for private investors.

On this information page we have compiled important information for you, which should give you a first insight and further knowledge about the functioning and essential features of foreign exchange trading.

Interested in currency trading? Here you can test risk-free.

Currency Trading for Experts & Professional Traders

For proprietary traders with a strong risk-reward expertise, excellent understanding of the market anatomy as well as detailed knowledge of the underlying mechanisms, foreign exchange trading has been one of the most popular instruments to participate in the development of exchange rates immediately and in real time for many years.

Foreign Exchange Trading

Foreign Exchange Trading ("FX", Forex") is no longer a profession of institutional traders. Today, anyone who has discovered currency trading can take advantage of the opportunities offered by financial service providers specializing in these markets and services.

RC 7 AC 18

Currently trending: Euro vs US Dollar (EURUSD) $ 1,10385

Interactive price feed widget powered by ayondo

sell buy 1,1034 2 1,1036 0 fractional pips bid You can sell1 Euro for1,10342 US Dollars You can sell1 Euro for1,10360 US Dollars 1,10360 - 1,10342 = 0.00018 or 1,8 Pip spread 1,8 Pip ask EUR / USD
New to currrency trading? Click here

The information displayed in the widgets are price indications. If you want to follow the price movements in real time or invest in currencies yourself, here you have the opportunity to do so. Important Note: Before committing your own capital, always remember that high potential returns are always matched by corresponding risks. Financial commitment should not follow an all-in approach.

Portfolio diversification or hedging can go a long way to cushion investments against price declines.

The price information displayed in the feed widget are neartime prices. There is no update of prices outside of regular trading hours. Real-time quotes are available to users of a real money trading platform.

The price feed widget powered by ayondo uses daily updated BID/ASK information for demonstration purposes. A refresh of the browser (e.g. by pressing the F5 function key updates the course info)