Advanced UID Power Search

A listed company or listed financial product versus multiple IDs (identification numbers), which can make targeted searches a real challenge in some constellations. Following the successful launch of the mini-apps C2I and I2C, the UID PowerSearch (UIDPS; Unique ID Power Search) represents a further milestone for the research toolset that we are making available to the investor community for free use.

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Are you fed up with no-brainer tools behind paywalls? With us you get the mini app with a happiness guarantee.

Feel free to contact us if you are tempted into a subscription model for urgently needed information. Tell us which tool you need and we'll put it on our developer roadmap. Costs: None for you. If the tool has added value for the global trading community, we are happy to offer you an alternative. Take a look at the What's New section.

Important note: The tool provided here provides information for more than 100,000 listed securities in the asset classes shares and exchange-traded funds. An application for bonds, certificates and warrants is on the developer roadmap. If you are missing a security, please let us know. If it is a share or an ETF, we will be happy to add it to our database. Product inquiries can be addressed via this route.

For a better understanding, here are some additional explanations:

  • ISIN - International Security Identification Number
  • WKN - Securities Identification Number
  • SEDOL - Stock Exchange Daily Official List
  • FIGI - (Open) Financial Instrument Global Identifier
  • LEI - Legal Identifier
  • CUSIP - Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures
  • CINS - CUSIP International Numbering System
  • CEI - CUSIP Entity Identifier
  • CIK - Central Index Key
  • CIF - Classification of Financial Instruments
  • EDGAR - Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval
  • MIC - Market Identifier Code
  • ANNA - Association of National Numbering Agencies
  • SIC - Standard Industrial Classification
  • NAICS - North American Industry Classification System
  • GICS - Global Industry Classification Standard

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