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TORONTO, Feb. 18, 2025 /CNW/ - Evolve Funds Group Inc. ("Evolve") is pleased to announce the distribution amounts per unit (the "Distributions") for certain funds (the "Evolve Funds"), as indicated in the table below.
The ex-dividend date and record date for the Distributions of the High Interest Savings Account Fund ("HISA"), US High Interest Savings Account Fund ("HISU.U"), Premium Cash Management Fund ("MCAD") and US Premium Cash Management Fund ("MUSD.U") is anticipated to be February 26, 2025. For the distributions for all other Evolve Funds, the ex-dividend date and record date is anticipated to be February 28, 2025. Unitholders of Evolve Funds on record date will receive cash distributions payable on or about March 7, 2025.
TORONTO, Jan. 20, 2025 /CNW/ - Evolve Funds Group Inc. ("Evolve") is pleased to announce the distribution amounts per unit (the "Distributions") for certain funds (the "Evolve Funds"), as indicated in the table below.
The ex-dividend date and record date for the Distributions of the High Interest Savings Account Fund ("HISA"), US High Interest Savings Account Fund ("HISU.U"), Premium Cash Management Fund ("MCAD") and US Premium Cash Management Fund ("MUSD.U") is anticipated to be January 28, 2025. For the distributions for all other Evolve Funds, the ex-dividend date and record date is anticipated to be January 31, 2025. Unitholders of Evolve Funds on record date will receive cash distributions payable on or about February 7, 2025.
TORONTO, Dec. 18, 2024 /CNW/ - Evolve Funds Group Inc. ("Evolve") is pleased to announce the distribution amounts per unit (the "Distributions") for certain funds (the "Evolve Funds"), as indicated in the table below.
The ex-dividend date and record date for the Distributions of the High Interest Savings Account Fund ("HISA"), US High Interest Savings Account Fund ("HISU.U"), Premium Cash Management Fund ("MCAD") and US Premium Cash Management Fund ("MUSD.U") is anticipated to be December 30, 2024. For the distributions for all other Evolve Funds, the ex-dividend date and record date is anticipated to be December 31, 2024. Unitholders of Evolve Funds on record date will receive cash distributions payable on or about January 8, 2025.
TORONTO , Nov. 18, 2024 /CNW/ - Evolve Funds Group Inc. ("Evolve") is pleased to announce the distribution amounts per unit (the "Distributions") for certain funds (the "Evolve Funds"), as indicated in the table below.
The ex-dividend date and record date for the Distributions of the High Interest Savings Account Fund ("HISA"), US High Interest Savings Account Fund ("HISU.U"), Premium Cash Management Fund ("MCAD") and US Premium Cash Management Fund ("MUSD.U") is anticipated to be November 26, 2024. For the distributions for all other Evolve Funds, the ex-dividend date and record date is anticipated to be November 29, 2024. Unitholders of Evolve Funds on record date will receive cash distributions payable on or about December 6, 2024.
In the news release, Evolve Announces September 2024 Distributions for Certain Evolve Funds, issued 18-Sep-2024 by Evolve ETFs over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the period ending date was incorrectly stated as August 31, 2024. The correct period ending date is September 30, 2024. All other aspects of the news release remain unchanged. The revised news release follows:
Evolve Announces September 2024 Distributions for Certain Evolve FundsTORONTO , Sept. 18, 2024 /CNW/ - Evolve Funds Group Inc. ("Evolve") is pleased to announce the distribution amounts per unit (the "Distributions") for certain funds (the "Evolve Funds"), for the period ending September 30, 2024, as indicated in the table below.