PR Newswire

The newsfeed available here is provided by our content partner PR Newswire. This is one of the most important and widest-reaching press services, providing news, press releases and multimedia content to the media, journalists and the public.
The NewsWire Hub ("X-Billboard") currently comprises four of the most important international news sources and is supplemented by a stock market information service. The individual newswire services complement each other and provide a complementary range of information, more than three quarters of the official news sources on which editors worldwide base their stock market reporting. Your advantage: You will find everything here in one overview. You can navigate to the individual sections using the control elements. In the terminal view, you can carry out individual searches at company level.
System-State: Number of processed items 58.625 Notifications successully processed since Inception
PR Newswire is an important news source that can be accessed via the X-Billboard. It is part of the Newswire Hub, which bundles important international news sources for stock market participants in one central location. If you want to get a quick overview, you can easily scroll through the headlines. If you want to look at the news in more detail, you can use the detailed views of the info cards to directly access the respective news item and other analysis tools.
State: 17.08.2024 | 11PM
Tue, 19.11.2024       AE&CI


(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)

(Registration Number 1924/002590/06)

Tax reference number: 9000008608

Share code: AFEP

ISIN: ZAE000000238

Bond company code: AECI

LEI: 3789008641F1D3D90E85

(AECI or the Company)




Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, 19 November 2024, the Directors of AECI declared a gross cash dividend, at the rate of 5.5 per cent per annum (equivalent to 2,75 pence sterling), for the six months ending Friday, 13 December 2024. The dividend is payable on Friday, 13 December 2024 to holders of preference shares recorded in the register of the Company at the close of business on the record date for receipt of the cash dividend, being, Friday, 6 December 2024.


The last day to trade `cum' dividend will be Tuesday, 3 December 2024 and shares will commence trading `ex-dividend' as from the commencement of business on Wednesday, 4 December 2024.


The dividend is declared in pound sterling and payment will be made from the offices of the Transfer Secretaries in South Africa and the United Kingdom on Friday, 13 December 2024. Dividends payable from South Africa will be paid in South African currency at the rate of 62.57650 ZAR cents per share (gross dividend) in accordance with the exchange rate ruling on Tuesday, 19 November 2024 (1-pound sterling = ZAR 22.75509).


A South African dividend withholding tax of 20% will be applicable to all shareholders who are not either exempt or entitled to a reduction of the withholding tax rate in terms of a relevant Double Taxation Agreement resulting in a net dividend of 50.06120 ZAR cents per share payable to those shareholders who are not eligible for exemption or reduction. Application forms for exemption or reduction may be obtained from the Transfer Secretaries on

Tel. +27 11 370 5000 or by email and must be returned to them on or before Tuesday, 3 December 2024.


Dividends payable from the United Kingdom office will be subject to such tax deductions as are prescribed by United Kingdom legislation unless a certificate exempting the shareholder concerned from such tax deduction is received before Tuesday, 3 December 2024.


The issued share capital of the Company at the declaration date is 105,517,780 listed ordinary shares and 3 000 000 listed cumulative preference shares. The dividend has been declared from the income reserves of the Company (and has therefore not been declared as a reduction in the Company's contributed tax capital).


Any change of address or dividend instruction must be received on or before Tuesday, 3 December 2024.


Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Wednesday, 4 December 2024 and Friday, 6 December 2024, both days inclusive.


By order of the Board


C Singh

Group Company Secretary

Woodmead, Sandton

19 November 2024


Transfer Secretaries

Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited

Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank, 2196




Computershare Investor Services PLC

PO Box 82

The Pavilions

Bridgwater Road

Bristol BS99 7NH



Registered office

1st Floor, AECI Place

24 The Woodlands

Woodlands Drive




Equity sponsor

Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)


Debt sponsor

Questco Proprietary Limited

The information provided here is not subject to any editorial processing. It is prepared fully automatically and enriched with additional information and further research options. The aim of the content is to provide information seekers with the relevant information quickly and easily. A link back to the information provider and owner ensures that the data prepared here can be compared with the source information if required. The newsboard does not show information in real time. Please contact the exchange operator for this information if required. There is no claim to completeness. High availability cannot be guaranteed. If you notice any errors in the functionality, please let us know using the "Report a Bug" form below.

RAW DATA PROCESSING means that raw data is processed without changing the content. The data is supplemented to improve the interpretation of the information in terms of usability.

Note: The newswire cross-link panel at the top allows you to quickly and easily access additional sources of information. In the terminal view, the news is filtered at company level and enables targeted searches.

On behalf of the trading community, we would like to thank the operators of the trading venues for providing information services.