Background information
If you are interested in ayondo, you will be presented with a great deal of different information on the Internet, from which - especially with regard to the recent history of the company - it is rarely possible to form a realistic picture. On this page we try to present neutrally what can only be compiled or reconstructed in fragments from the various digital sources.

"If you want to read the future, you have to leaf through the past" a saying which could not describe our vision in a better way. With experienced management, many new ideas and cooperation partners who share our values, we will shape the future. Because: The fact that ayondo as a trademark stands like no other for the spirit of social trading is undisputed. It is a successful business model that has proven resilience even in difficult times.

Customer information

On this page we would like to disclose once again which cooperation partners have provided services for ayondo in the past. This information is important for registered ayondo users for the reason that in the course of using both social trading and regular, individual trading, business relationships were entered into with different companies. The contractual regulations that determine the scope of the service relationship are directly related to the respective customer relationship. The service that is contractually owed is defined, as well as all other aspects that are initiated between the user and provider within a set of rules through the conclusion of a contract.

Due to the one-brand strategy driven primarily by an external investor group until 2019, it was difficult for outsiders to determine which legal entity within the holding structure was responsible for which part of the service chain. Since we frequently received enquiries in the past, we would like to outline here once again who was responsible for which process or - if the customer relationship were still active - who is responsible.

Service Provider Domain Responsibilities Type of service
ayondo GmbH
IT-Services Operation of the internet platform, its further development & maintenance of the social trading technology and all corresponding IT topics Development of social trading technology
ayondo portfolio management GmbH ("AYPM") Asset Manager Provider of the social trading service, responsible for the legally compliant conversion of trading signals into trading orders Operation of the auto-execution interface
ayondo markets Ltd ("AML") Investment Firm ("Broker") Financial service provider, account-holding institution, provider of the tradable products (CFD and foreign exchange contracts) Account management, provision of the 'TradeHub' trading platform

Primarily due to the BREXI1 and the associated regulatory consequences, it was no longer possible for ayondo portfolio management GmbH to transmit signals for implementation to the business partner for execution. The background to this was the fact that following the occurrence of the BREXIT event, the United Kingdom left the European Union and the provision of cross-border financial services originally permitted under EU passporting no longer complied with the previous supervisory regulations. For this reason, the management of AYPM has decided to put the operational business on hold until a new service provider can be found.

In the course of the acquisition of ayondo markets Ltd. a rebranding took place. The company now trades under the name BUX Markets Limited ("BUX"). There is no relationship between BUX and ayondo. They are each separate brands or legal entities.

The aforementioned companies were part of the investment portfolio of the Swiss-based ayondo AG, formerly Next Generation Finance AG. In mid-2017, another company was founded in Singapore to act as an umbrella holding company. In order to comply with the one-brand strategy, this company also took over the brand name and operated as ayondo Ltd.

In 2018, ayondo markets Ltd. ran into economic difficulties, which were cushioned by a takeover of the ailing British financial services provider by the Dutch-based BUX Holding. Due to the lack of an EU licence and different strategic interests, a continuation of the cooperation between the social trading provider and the financial service provider was no longer possible.

After an intensive search for suitable partners to shape a joint future, ayondo entered into a partnership with the ActivTrades Group and plans to gradually resume the original scope of services in this constellation.

All IP, technology and trademark rights are now held by RSQ Technology Ventures GmbH. In an elaborate process, it was possible to protect the company assets from being broken up and misappropriated. This included the entire customer base, which has gone through a registration process via the website since 2008. It is largely thanks to this measure that the community continues to be an essential part of ayondo, where every existing customer can be sure in future that the loyalty shown to ayondo will be honoured to an appropriate degree.

RSQ is continuing a traditional brand and, after an extensive housekeeping process, is investing in an established business model in order to give it back the radiance it originally had. To turn words into deeds, we invite all users to participate in this process. Please feel free to contact us about this and get involved in the community idea in a very special way.


ayondo® 2023 - Time for a change

RSQ · We protect values · q.e.d | (rsq; en: 'resque'; phonetics: ˈreskju')