Continental AG · ISIN: DE0005439004 · EQS - adhoc news

Continental AG Approves Spin-off of Automotive and Makes Decisions on Capital Resources and Future Dividend Policy

Hanover, Germany, March 12, 2025. In its meeting today, in which Continental AG’s Supervisory Board approved the Executive Board’s decision to proceed with the spin-off of the future Automotive Group and to finalize the related agreements, it confirmed that the future Automotive Group is to have cash funds of €1.5 billion before the spin-off is completed. The respective opportunities and risks will be clearly allocated to the two future independent companies based on their business operations. ...

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Corporate News Continental AG

In this overview you can view company news in the chronological order of publication. The source information comes from EQS News, the leading European news distributor. The most recent news item is listed first.
12 March 2025 03:43PM
Continental AG Approves Spin-off of Automotive and Makes Decisions on Capital Resources and Future Dividend Policy
Hanover, Germany, March 12, 2025. In its meeting today, in which Continental AG’s Supervisory Board approved the Executive Board’s decision to proceed with the spin-off of the future Automotive Group and to finalize the related agreements, it confirmed that the future Automotive Group is to have cash funds of €1.5 billion before the spin-off is com...
Continental AG
04 March 2025 07:30AM
Continental Increases Profit and Drives Forward Realignment in 2025
Consolidated sales of €39.7 billion (2023: €41.4 billion, -4.1 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €2.7 billion (2023: €2.5 billion, +6.6 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 6.8 percent (2023: 6.1 percent) Net income of €1.2 billion (2023: €1.2 billion, +1.0 percent) Adjusted free cash flow of €1.05 billion (2023: €1.3 billion, -18.6 percent) CEO Nikolai ...
Continental AG
11 November 2024 07:30AM
Continental Further Increases Earnings
Consolidated sales of €9.8 billion (Q3 2023: €10.2 billion, -4.0 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €873 million (Q3 2023: €642 million, +36.0 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 8.9 percent (Q3 2023: 6.3 percent) Net income of €486 million (Q3 2023: €299 million, +62.8 percent) Adjusted free cash flow of €323 million (Q3 2023: €466 million, -30.6 percent...
Continental AG
07 August 2024 07:30AM
Continental Significantly Increases Earnings in Second Quarter
Continental Significantly Increases Earnings in Second Quarter Consolidated sales of €10.0 billion (Q2 2023: €10.4 billion, -4.1 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €704 million (Q2 2023: €501 million, +40.6 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 7.0 percent (Q2 2023: 4.8 percent) Net income of €305 million (Q2 2023: €209 million, +46.2 percent) Adjusted fr...
Continental AG
05 August 2024 01:37PM
Continental to Evaluate Making Automotive an Independent Company and to Prepare Spin-off
Executive Board to conduct further detailed evaluation on spinning off and listing Automotive group sector on stock market Decision on spin-off to be made by Executive Board in fourth quarter of 2024 If approved by 2025 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, spin-off would take place by end of 2025; preparations for spin-off underway Aim of having two ...
Continental AG
05 August 2024 01:29PM
Continental evaluates spin-off of Automotive group sector and prepares implementation
Hanover, August 5, 2024. After strategic review, Continental’s Executive Board has decided to evaluate in detail a spin-off with subsequent 100% public listing of the Automotive group sector on the Frankfurt stock exchange. The required steps for implementation will be prepared in parallel. As a result of the spin-off, the Automotive group sector w...
Continental AG
08 May 2024 07:30AM
After a Weak Start: Continental Confirms Its Full-year Outlook
Consolidated sales of €9.8 billion (Q1 2023: €10.3 billion, -5.0 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €196 million (Q1 2023: €574 million, -65.8 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 2.0 percent (Q1 2023: 5.6 percent) Net income of -€53 million (Q1 2023: €382 million, -113.9 percent) Adjusted free cash flow of -€1.1 billion (Q1 2023: -€949 million, -14.4 perc...
Continental AG
16 April 2024 06:18PM
Continental Releases Preliminary Figures for First Quarter 2024 – Sales and Adjusted EBIT Margin as well as Adjusted Free Cash Flow Below Market Expectation
Based on initial preliminary and unaudited figures, the key financial figures for the first quarter 2024 are as follows:  The Continental Group’s consolidated sales amounted to around €9.8 billion (consensus* €10.0 billion). The adjusted EBIT margin is expected to be around 2.0% (consensus 3.7%). In the Automotive group sector, sales amounted to ...
Continental AG
20 March 2024 05:42PM
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Continental Aktiengesellschaft Hanover ISIN: DE 0005439004 WKN: 543900 Invitation to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting We invite our shareholders to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on Friday, April 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (CEST), to be held in the Kuppelsaal of the Hannover Congress Centrum, Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1-3, 30175 Hanover, Germany. Agenda: ...
Continental AG
07 March 2024 07:30AM
Continental Increases Earnings in 2023 and Targets Further Improvement This Year
Consolidated sales of €41.4 billion (2022: €39.4 billion, +5.1 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €2.5 billion (2022: €1.9 billion, +31.6 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 6.1 percent (2022: 4.9 percent) Net income of €1.2 billion (2022: €67 million, +1,635 percent) Adjusted free cash flow of €1.3 billion (2022: €200 million, +547 percent) CEO Nikolai ...
Continental AG
08 November 2023 07:30AM
Continental Increases Automotive Earnings and Adjusted Free Cash Flow
Consolidated sales of €10.2 billion (Q3 2022: €10.4 billion, -1.5 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €637 million (Q3 2022: €595 million, +7.1 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 6.2 percent (Q3 2022: 5.7 percent) Net income of €299 million (Q3 2022: -€211 million) Adjusted free cash flow of €466 million (Q3 2022: -€496 million) CEO Nikolai Setzer: “Our ...
Continental AG
09 August 2023 08:30AM
Continental Posts Strong Earnings in Tires and High Order Intake in Automotive
Consolidated sales of €10.4 billion (Q2 2022: €9.4 billion, +10.4 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €497 million (Q2 2022: €401 million, +24.1 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 4.8 percent (Q2 2022: 4.3 percent) EBIT of €377 million (Q2 2022: -€165 million) Net income of €209 million (Q2 2022: -€251 million) Adjusted free cash flow of -€14 million (Q2...
Continental AG
12 July 2023 04:00PM
Continental announces preliminary figures of the second quarter results – Adjusted EBIT margin for Automotive below market expectations. We confirm the Automotive outlook for the full year.
Continental announces preliminary figures of the second quarter results – Adjusted EBIT margin for Automotive below market expectations. We confirm the Automotive outlook for the full year.   Based on initial preliminary and unaudited figures, the key financial figures for the second quarter are as follows: The sales for the Automotive group sec...
Continental AG
12 July 2023 04:00PM
Continental announces preliminary figures of the second quarter results – Adjusted EBIT margin for Automotive below market expectations. We confirm the Automotive outlook for the full year.
Continental announces preliminary figures of the second quarter results – Adjusted EBIT margin for Automotive below market expectations. We confirm the Automotive outlook for the full year.   Based on initial preliminary and unaudited figures, the key financial figures for the second quarter are as follows: The sales for the Automotive group sec...
Continental AG
10 May 2023 08:30AM
Continental Starts 2023 with Solid Results
Consolidated sales of €10.3 billion (Q1 2022: €9.3 billion, +11.1 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €578 million (Q1 2022: €428 million, +35.0 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 5.6 percent (Q1 2022: 4.6 percent) EBIT of €531 million (Q1 2022: €375 million, +41.5 percent) Net income of €382 million (Q1 2022: €240 million, +59.6 percent) Adjusted free c...
Continental AG
10 May 2023 08:30AM
Continental Starts 2023 with Solid Results
Consolidated sales of €10.3 billion (Q1 2022: €9.3 billion, +11.1 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €578 million (Q1 2022: €428 million, +35.0 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 5.6 percent (Q1 2022: 4.6 percent) EBIT of €531 million (Q1 2022: €375 million, +41.5 percent) Net income of €382 million (Q1 2022: €240 million, +59.6 percent) Adjusted free c...
Continental AG
08 March 2023 08:30AM
Continental Expects Higher Earnings in 2023 Supported by Sustained Market Recovery
Continental Expects Higher Earnings in 2023 Supported by Sustained Market Recovery Consolidated sales of €39.4 billion (2021: €33.8 billion, +16.7 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €2.0 billion (2021: €1.9 billion, +5.2 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 5.0 percent (2021: 5.5 percent) Negative special effects of €1.0 billion Operating result of €755 ...
Continental AG
08 March 2023 08:30AM
Continental Expects Higher Earnings in 2023 Supported by Sustained Market Recovery
Continental Expects Higher Earnings in 2023 Supported by Sustained Market Recovery Consolidated sales of €39.4 billion (2021: €33.8 billion, +16.7 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €2.0 billion (2021: €1.9 billion, +5.2 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 5.0 percent (2021: 5.5 percent) Negative special effects of €1.0 billion Operating result of €755 ...
Continental AG
17 January 2023 08:17PM
Continental Releases Preliminary Figures for Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2022 – Adjusted Free Cash Flow Below Target Range
Based on initial preliminary and unaudited figures, the key financial figures for the fourth quarter and fiscal 2022 as a whole are as follows:  Adjusted free cash flow for the Continental Group is expected to be around €1.6 billion in the fourth quarter and around €200 million for the year as a whole (outlook: around €600 million to €800 million)...
Continental AG
10 November 2022 08:30AM
Continental Confirms Sales and Earnings Outlook for 2022
Consolidated sales of €10.4 billion (Q3 2021: €8.0 billion, +29.3 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €605 million (Q3 2021: €412 million, +46.7 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 5.8 percent (Q3 2021: 5.2 percent) Operating result of €12 million (Q3 2021: €419 million) Net income of -€211 million (Q3 2021: €309 million from continuing and discontinued op...
Continental AG
10 November 2022 08:30AM
Continental Confirms Sales and Earnings Outlook for 2022
Consolidated sales of €10.4 billion (Q3 2021: €8.0 billion, +29.3 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €605 million (Q3 2021: €412 million, +46.7 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 5.8 percent (Q3 2021: 5.2 percent) Operating result of €12 million (Q3 2021: €419 million) Net income of -€211 million (Q3 2021: €309 million from continuing and discontinued op...
Continental AG
09 August 2022 08:30AM
Despite a Turbulent Market Environment, Continental Is Optimistic for the Second Half of the Year
Consolidated sales of €9.4 billion (Q2 2021: €8.4 billion, +13.0 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €411 million (Q2 2021: €512 million, -19.8 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 4.4 percent (Q2 2021: 6.2 percent) Operating result of -€165 million (Q2 2021: €473 million, -134.8 percent) Net income of -€251 million (Q2 2021: €545 million for continuing and...
Continental AG
09 August 2022 08:30AM
Despite a Turbulent Market Environment, Continental Is Optimistic for the Second Half of the Year
Consolidated sales of €9.4 billion (Q2 2021: €8.4 billion, +13.0 percent) Adjusted EBIT of €411 million (Q2 2021: €512 million, -19.8 percent) Adjusted EBIT margin of 4.4 percent (Q2 2021: 6.2 percent) Operating result of -€165 million (Q2 2021: €473 million, -134.8 percent) Net income of -€251 million (Q2 2021: €545 million for continuing and...
Continental AG
20 July 2022 10:30AM
Continental Announces Preliminary Key Figures for the Second Quarter of 2022
Based on preliminary and unaudited data, key financial figures of the second quarter of fiscal 2022 are as follows:  Consolidated sales of the Continental Group were €9.4 billion (consensus: €9.2 billion) and the adjusted EBIT margin was 4.4% (consensus: 4.2%). Sales in the Automotive group sector amounted to €4.3 billion (consensus: €4.2 billion...
Continental AG
20 July 2022 10:30AM
Continental Announces Preliminary Key Figures for the Second Quarter of 2022
Based on preliminary and unaudited data, key financial figures of the second quarter of fiscal 2022 are as follows:  Consolidated sales of the Continental Group were €9.4 billion (consensus: €9.2 billion) and the adjusted EBIT margin was 4.4% (consensus: 4.2%). Sales in the Automotive group sector amounted to €4.3 billion (consensus: €4.2 billion...
Continental AG
11 May 2022 08:30AM
Continental Reports Strong Tire Business in the First Quarter
           - Consolidated sales of €9.3 billion (Q1 2021: €8.6 billion, +8.2 percent) - Adjusted EBIT of €439 million (Q1 2021: €728 million, -39.8 percent) - Adjusted EBIT margin of 4.7 percent (Q1 2021: 8.5 percent) - Operating result of €375 million (Q1 2021: €663 million, -43.4 percent) - Net income of €245 million (Q1 2021: €448 million f...
Continental AG
21 April 2022 10:44AM
Continental Adjusts Outlook for Fiscal 2022 and Publishes Preliminary Key Figures for First Quarter of 2022
Due to the following factors, Continental is adjusting its outlook for fiscal 2022: - Continental expects global production of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles to increase by between 4% and 6% year-on-year in 2022. The company's outlook published on March 9, 2022, was based on anticipated growth of between 6% and 9%. - Negative effect...
Continental AG
09 March 2022 08:00AM
Continental Generates Profit and Expects Further Improvement in Results
- Consolidated sales of €33.8 billion (2020: €31.9 billion, +6.0 percent) - Adjusted EBIT of €1.9 billion (2020: €1.4 billion, +37.7 percent) - Adjusted EBIT margin of 5.6 percent (2020: 4.4 percent) - Operating result of €1.8 billion (2020: -€428 million) - Net income of €1.5 billion (2020: -€962 million, +€2.4 billion) - Free cash flow before acq...
Continental AG
17 November 2021 05:55PM
Personnel Change in the Executive Board of Continental AG
At an extraordinary meeting today, the Supervisory Board of Continental AG agreed to mutually terminate Wolfgang Schäfer's appointment as member of the Executive Board and chief financial officer, until now responsible for Group Finance and Controlling, Group Information Technology as well as Group Compliance, Law and Intellectual Property, effecti...
Continental AG
10 November 2021 08:32AM
Third Quarter: Continental Sets Course for Next Successful Chapter in its History
- Continental accelerates market-oriented realignment in its anniversary year - Semiconductor shortage likely peaked in the third quarter - Automotive Technologies particularly affected due to high share of electronics - Rubber Technologies posts robust earnings thanks to replacement-tire and industrial businesses - Spin-off of Vitesco Technologies...
Continental AG
22 October 2021 02:11PM
Continental revises outlook for fiscal 2021 and announces preliminary key data for the third quarter of 2021
Due to the following factors, Continental is adjusting its outlook for the 2021 fiscal year: - Given the ongoing constraints related to semiconductor components as well as uncertainties related to the supply chain and in customer demand, Continental expects that global light vehicle production growth in fiscal 2021 will be between -1% and +1% vers...
Continental AG
05 August 2021 08:30AM
Strong Tire Business in the Second Quarter: Continental Achieves Respectable Result
- Consolidated sales of €9.9 billion (Q2 2020: €6.6 billion, +49.7 percent); organic growth of 55.3 percent - Adjusted EBIT of €711 million (Q2 2020: -€635 million, up €1.3 billion) - Adjusted EBIT margin of 7.2 percent (Q2 2020: -9.8 percent) - Net income of €545 million (Q2 2020: -€741 million, up €1.3 billion) - Free cash flow before acquisition...
Continental AG
06 May 2021 08:30AM
First Quarter: Continental Achieves Good Result, Confirming its Course for the Future
- Consolidated sales of €10.3 billion (Q1 2020: €9.9 billion, +3.5 percent); organic growth of 8.6 percent - Adjusted EBIT of €834 million (Q1 2020: €433 million, +92.5 percent) - Adjusted EBIT margin of 8.1 percent (Q1 2020: 4.4 percent) - Net income of €448 million, (Q1 2020: €292 million, up €156 million year-on-year) - Free cash flow before...
Continental AG
23 April 2021 12:20PM
Continental announces preliminary key data for the first quarter of 2021
The financial results of Continental AG in the first quarter of fiscal 2021 are above current average analyst expectations. Based on preliminary data, key financial results of the first quarter of fiscal 2021 are as follows:  Consolidated sales of the Continental Group were €10.259 billion (Q1 2020: €9.913 billion) and the adjusted EBIT margin was...
Continental AG
12 November 2020 03:56PM
Supervisory Board of Continental AG Appoints Nikolai Setzer as New Executive Board Chairman
In its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of Continental AG appointed Nikolai Setzer (49) as new Executive Board chairman until March 2024, effective December 1, 2020. He succeeds Dr. Elmar Degenhart (61), who, as already announced, is stepping down from his position for health reasons, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, effective Novembe...
Continental AG
11 November 2020 08:32AM
Continental AG: Third Quarter: Slight Recovery as Highly Volatile Market Environment Continues
- Consolidated sales of €10.3 billion (Q3 2019: €11.1 billion) - Adjusted EBIT of €832 million (Q3 2019: €612 million); adjusted EBIT margin of 8.1 percent (Q3 2019: 5.6 percent) - EBIT of -€673 million in third quarter (Q3 2019: -€1,971 million) and net income of -€719 million, resulting from impairments and expenses as already announced (Q3 201...
Continental AG
11 November 2020 07:44AM
Continental AG announces new outlook for fiscal 2020
Having withdrawn the previous outlook for fiscal 2020 that was valid until April 1, 2020 due to the uncertain consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Board from Continental AG now sees itself in a position to provide an outlook for fiscal 2020. This outlook is conditional upon the following assumptions: - The exchange rates in the fou...
Continental AG
29 October 2020 09:05PM
Continental AG: Dr. Elmar Degenhart decided to resign from his mandate as CEO at Continental prior to expiry of his period
After more than eleven years in office, the CEO of Continental AG Dr. Elmar Degenhart (61) has informed the Supervisory Board today about his intention to resign from his mandate for reasons of immediately necessary preventive health care effective November 30, 2020. He has asked the Supervisory Board to accept the early termination of his Executiv...
Continental AG
21 October 2020 05:57PM
Continental AG announces preliminary key data for the third quarter of 2020 and recognition of non-cash impairments and restructuring expenses in the third quarter of 2020
The financial results of Continental AG in the third quarter of fiscal 2020 are above current average analyst expectations. However, impairments and restructuring expenses will result in a negative value for reported EBIT in the third quarter of 2020. These factors will also result in a negative value for net income attributable to shareholders for...
Continental AG
05 August 2020 08:30AM
Continental Outperforms Its Markets in Historically Weak Second Quarter
- Global vehicle production in the second quarter at 12.3 million units (down 45%) - Organic growth of -40 percent; sales of €6.6 billion (Q2 2019: €11.3 billion) - Adjusted EBIT of -€634 million (Q2 2019: €865 million); adjusted EBIT margin of -9.6 percent (Q2 2019: 7.7 percent) - Net income of-€741 million (Q2 2019: €485 million) - Fixed costs re...
Continental AG
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Type Total Last Made by Go to
Corporate Research 0 - - Corporate Research
Directors Dealings 18 4th June 2024 Nelles, Philip DD
Short Seller (DE) 8 7th March 2025 Marshall Wace LLP SSR (DE)
Short Seller (UK) 0 - - SSR (UK)

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