The ultimate broker comparison - Matrix quality criteria

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The trading of leveraged products is very popular. However, it is often not easy to find a suitable provider. While you can rely on the pre-selection of online brokers when trading warrants, it is much more difficult to find the right provider from the large number of supposed specialist service providers when trading contracts for difference and currencies. Together with the intelligence portal Due Diligence Hub, we have developed a matrix that analyzes and evaluates industry representatives based on a quality criteria-based scoring model. In principle, this is a kind of checklist that addresses important questions relating to a business relationship.

The evaluation criteria are user-oriented. One key aspect is consumer protection. Ratings from review portals are less heavily weighted. Quality assurance is rarely carried out here to filter out fake content. There are also often conflicts of interest, as business models are financed by fees. The same applies to industry awards. Here, the impression is often given that there are independent jury criteria that apply equally to all evaluated companies.

Quality features/criteria
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Companies that see customer relationship management as a central task and key success factor take the concerns and needs of service users seriously. They see constructive criticism as a driver of innovation, create opportunities and motivate people to share feedback with the company. Incoming product suggestions are examined and implemented.
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Apart from marketing websites that like to praise contracts for difference and currency trading to the skies for reasons, there is not infrequent criticism in the trade press for the products, which is not even unfounded. That one pushes the products forward instead of naming horse and rider, amounts to a proxy war. The fact that the reputation is as it is is due to the fact that little is done to improve public perception on the part of the suppliers. If one takes a closer look at the product features themselves, there are few comparable financial instruments that are more transparent and can be used so flexibly for different types of investment strategies. This also includes the hedging of equity portfolios.
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Anyone who is more intensively involved in hedging strategies cannot avoid contracts for difference or, in the case of larger volumes, forward transactions. Here, the focus is less on a speculative goal, but rather on strategic considerations that include the use of Delta1 products in holistic considerations. On a small scale, securities portfolios can be 'frozen' in terms of performance during turbulent market phases and thus protected from losses in value or selling pressure. Some investors take advantage of the opportunities available to them to pursue hedging strategies on a larger scale. Craftsmen, oil traders, housing associations or companies whose purchase prices for goods are linked to raw materials such as copper, aluminum, platinum and the like, and probably also have an exchange rate risk in the constellation, are far less affected by the upheavals on the global markets if they have the appropriate expertise.
My Broker Ranking
The financial services provider enables you to execute trading strategies automatically. Possibilities for this are external access to the broker's systems via suitable interfaces, the integration of trading systems via corresponding technical solutions or classically so-called Expert Advisors, as they are offered as standard with trading platforms such as MT4 or MT5.
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Historical price data always have a special significance when it comes to the development or optimisation of trading strategies. Especially for system developers who depend on complete and reliable data histories in the course of backtesting, this is an essential criterion for deciding whether the offer of a financial service provider is suitable or not.
My Broker Ranking
You can easily determine which target group a financial service provider primarily wants to address. If it is a "Mee2" product portfolio that virtually corresponds to that of 80 per cent of the companies active on the market, the primary aim is to address the prospective customer with marketing messages who is rather inexperienced and does not have any special demands due to a lack of experience. In contrast, the breadth of the product range indicates whether a company is adapting to the needs of the target group and is evolving with their requirements.
My Broker Ranking
If you as a customer are being wooed with superlatives such as No. 1, world's best or legendary service and comparable attributes that are difficult to verify, please take a close look to see whether the supposed qualities can be verified by independent third parties. Do not rely on portals that pay for issuing badges. Always ask yourself in connection with the location of a company where the responsible persons have obtained the competence. With some industry representatives, you have to have a lot of patience here to come to a conclusion.
My Broker Ranking

The following thought experiment: The origin of the company courting your favour is based on an island that can only be reached by plane, ship or ferry. There is no presence in the country where you are at home. The company speaks your language, but only online. Where does the experience with the domestic target group - including you - come from if the physical presence is several 1,000 km away? Do the inventors of remote target group management live there? What could be the reason for an island becoming the Mecca and centre of gravity of a certain industry and where the concentration of bankers beats the average population density by far? 

My Broker Ranking
If you don't know anyone who can give you good advice, you will inevitably have to rely on research on the internet to develop your own opinions. And it is precisely here that things are made harder rather than easier for you. Why? On page 1 of the results lists, you will find either companies that place ads for the highest bids or platforms that specialise in marketing and claim to know who has the best offer for you. It is in the nature of things that neither one nor the other is true.
My Broker Ranking
It is not without reason that it is the Cyprus Supervisory Authority that, in terms of numbers, imposes the most sanctions on those who do not play by the rules. However, it is not necessarily because CySEC is known to be particularly strict or vigilant, but because the financial service providers based there are rarely accessible to their clients in the way that domestic companies would be. As a result, the complaint rates are correspondingly high and the black sheep have to be stepped on more frequently.
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This tool is part of the ayondo Lab and is currently in the beta phase. The further development takes into account feedback from the community. Feel free to check back from time to time and, if you wish, you can send us your suggestions and wishes for improving the information content and usability. If you feel that certain facts play an important role in the selection of a financial service provider that you miss here in terms of content, we would be pleased if you let us know.

You have the possibility to make a preselection via the three options. The presentation of the facts is not always formulated as a question. A 'Yes' can have the meaning of 'applicable' or 'known', a 'No' can have the meaning of 'inapplicable' or 'unknown'.