Short selling - Short Selling Radar (SSR) - Advanced statistics

This overview shows the companies that appear on the Short Selling Radar for the first time. The information is based on the reporting registers of the individual countries. They are grouped by year and quarter. The reporting date shows the day on which the short selling report was registered. In this constellation, it is always the opening of a reportable position.

If you follow this link, you will be taken to the main page of the Short Selling Radar (SSR). From there you can access further information and statistics on short selling activity.

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The information presented here shows the chronological sequence of short selling activities, in each case in relation to the target company. The report date in this view shows the most recent activity of a short seller in which the company was targeted. You can switch to the detailed views to find out whether the last action was an increase or reduction in the short selling position.
ID Company Register date ISIN WKN BB Ticker RIC Code Research About Factsheet Website SSR Bookmark CFD B/S