This overview may be of interest to traders who map the activities of short sellers in their own trading strategies. Due to their product characteristics, contracts for difference can be suitable for hedging both individual securities and portfolios using hedging strategies. Hedging transactions primarily follow the concept of offsetting falling prices with corresponding opposite market positions. If, on the other hand, you want to follow the activities of short sellers directly - i.e. to make profits when prices fall - you can do this by using CFDs. In the list you will find a selection of companies that have been the target of short selling activities in the past, i.e. publicly triggered a reporting obligation. The companies listed in the overview can be traded long or short, with or without leverage.
Tip: First-time targets of short sellers can be found in our SSR-Short Selling Alert Dashboard. Further information on reportable short selling can be found here.
For those familiar with the Weighted Alpha Dashboards Basic and Advanced, here is a selection of companies that are currently on the Weighted Alpha Shortlist and can also be traded as contracts for difference.
If you are familiar with this area, you can see from this overview which of the companies identified by the AI algorithm can be traded as a contract for difference.
ID | Company | ISIN | WKN | BB Ticker | RIC Code | Research | About | Factsheet | Website | Bookmark | DEMO | Spec Spec |
The information provided here relates to listed companies, share indices, currencies and commodities that serve as reference values for contracts for difference (CFDs). The product characteristics of a CFD are such that it tracks the performance of the respective underlying almost identically. Depending on the trading approach, it is possible to participate in negative price movements ("short") as well as in upward movements ("long"). A multiplier can be applied to the tradable instruments, ranging from 1 (no leverage effect) to - depending on the product category - 20. Individualization of position sizes is also possible via mini-contracts and fractionals. Regardless of the transparent pricing, traceability and comparability, the offer is aimed more at a more experienced clientele.
If price indications are shown, these are prices close to the market. If you use the price information, we would like to point out that it is not displayed in real time, but with a 15-minute delay.
Tip: Registered users of the community can save the snippets in the user account.
This summary was created with the help of an AI technology. The goal is to bring out the core message of the company's message. The simplification of the statement can help to grasp the content of the message more quickly. The feature is experimental in nature. Do not use the information without verification. More information about Lab features can be found here.
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