After extensive market research, we have added a company to our watchlist that describes itself as a special situations investment manager. If you are interested, you can find out exactly what this description is all about on Kerrisdale Capital's website (link). In line with the Themefolio concept, we include the service in our Themefolio coverage, partly because the research house makes its indications available for public inspection in a transparent manner. All the features available on our platform can be used to obtain a quick and convenient overview of the hit rate and forecasting ability. The values recorded in this TF represent long positions. As the research company also shares short signals with the investment community, a corresponding SSIM TF will follow shortly.
AI-generated company profile - Important! Do not accept unchecked
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The AI's analysis of the content resulted in the following brief summary:
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This summary was created with the help of an AI technology. The goal is to bring out the core message of the company's message. The simplification of the statement can help to grasp the content of the message more quickly. The feature is experimental in nature. Do not use the information without verification. More information about Lab features can be found here.
Caution: Unverified adoption of previously unquality-assured information is not advised.
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