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Correction is made to the share purchase program for employees in Mowi on 25 November 2024 in relation to the shareholding position of Ivan Vindheim. Please see attached updated shareholding table.
The Board of Directors of Mowi ASA (the "Company") has resolved to offer all permanent employees in the Company and its Norwegian, Scottish and Canadian subsidiaries the opportunity to purchase shares in the Company at a discounted price.
The shares in Mowi ASA will be traded ex-dividend of NOK 1.50 as from today 15 November 2024.
(Bergen, 6 November 2024) Mowi generated record-high operating revenues of EUR 1.44 billion in the third quarter which translated into an operational profit of EUR 173 million.
(Bergen, 6. november 2024) Mowi rapporterte rekordhøye inntekter på 1,44 milliarder euro og et operasjonelt driftsresultat på 173 millioner euro i tredje kvartal.
Mowi ASA hereby invites you to the presentation of the results for the third quarter 2024 at Hotel Continental, Stortingsgaten 24/26, 0117 Oslo, Norway.
(Bergen, 24 October 2024) Mowi ASA today announces that Ole-Eirik Lerøy has decided to step down as Chairman of the Board following a fifteen-year tenure with the company. Ørjan Svanevik proposed as successor to Lerøy.
(Bergen, 26. september 2024) I dag arrangerer Mowi sin kapitalmarkedsdag hvor selskapet presenterer planer om videre volumvekst for havbruksvirksomheten fra 500 000 tonn til 600 000 tonn, samt ytterligere kostnadsforbedringer i størrelsesorden 300-400 millioner euro.
(Bergen, 26 September 2024) Mowi is today hosting a Capital Markets Day where the company presents its plans for continued volume growth from 500,000 tonnes to 600,000 tonnes in its farming division as well as further cost improvement in the order of EUR 300-400 million.